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Creating Wildflower Spaces in an Urban Setting


These two projects took place in the Autumn 2021 with the remit to create wildflower spaces in an urban environment. One using both wildflower turf and Meadowscape Pro  (a seeded substrate mixed with wildflower seed) and the other using wildflower turf.

The aim of both these projects was to achieve the same outcome, to enhance our green and open spaces. Increase the biodiversity by introducing grasses and wildflowers therefore attracting bees, butterflies, invertebrate and birds. Since the start of the covid 19 pandemic people have shown greater appreciation for green spaces and parks in turn helping to relieve anxiety,improve wellbeing and other issues surrounding mental health

One project formed part of a regeneration scheme where residents were looking to enhance the area, take pride in where they lived as well as increasing the biodiversity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_SfYO8-rFU . In this instance it was felt that wildflower turf was best suited for the project. The reason being that the turf does give the ‘instant’ meadow and unlike seeding is not susceptible to damage from footfall. The local school also became involved with the children designing interpretation boards explaining the benefits of wildflowers.

Managing the public perception of wildflower spaces needs be taken into consideration. A regularly mown strip of grass around areas of wildflowers and those which are alongside pavements give an indication to the public that the area is still managed and avoids the situation of tall flower stands blocking access routes. Again, interpretation boards can also help in this situation.

The second project involved establishing areas of wildflowers in public open spaces those being a roundabout and a park using meadowscape pro. Another area was originally down to pea shingle on a pedestrian route linking the town centre and a supermarket. It was neglected and visually not attractive for pedestrians. This area was ideal for the creation of a wildflower space it would still be minimal maintenance, more aesthetically pleasing and increase the biodiversity of the area. As the site was so uneven beneath the shingle and to save on costs the shingle would stay in place, and we would treat the site like a green roof but minus any irrigation system. We would lay down substrate sacks on top of the shingle, screed it over again with a shallow layer of loose substrate and then lay the turf.

As the  turf was laid in the Autumn it will be well established  by this spring  and we look forward to posting up some photos later in the year.

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