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Establishing a Wildflower Meadow within a Cemetery

April allowed us to resume groundwork once again after an extremely wet March. We have created islands of Wildflowers with paths running in between, allowing access to the headstones. Stone kerbing which was a potential trip hazard has been lifted and reused as seating which has been placed around the cemetery.

The Wildflower Seed Mix we used contains 38 floral and 3 grass species all UK native.  This gives a mix of Wildflowers compatible with areas of Shade and full Sun.  Meadowscape Pro was used as a way of establishing the Wildflowers in this instance rather than Wildflower Turf. This consists of the wildflower seed  mixed with  substrate, resulting in good seed distribution, improved germination and establishment as opposed to sowing seed directly into the soil.

Irrigation is also crucial to good germination.
Ensure you have access to a water supply when  installing Meadowscape Pro or Wildflower Turf. Unless you have access to irragation  it is best to sow Meadowscape Pro or Wildflower Turf in the Autumn or Early Spring and rely on natural rainfall. Lawn to Wildflower Meadow Part 1Lawn to Wildflower Meadow Part 2

This particular site was thick with brambles. Regular monitoring will be required to keep them from encroaching back into the meadow. It was also particularly uneven therefore a lot of soil disturbance took place in order to level the site. Meadowscape is best established on sites where existing turf has either been removed or sprayed off. This method ensures you are keeping soil disturbance to a minimum and avoiding disturbing any weed seeds below the surface.

The pathways and open spaces will be sown with a low maintenance conservation grass mix this Autumn. Leaving areas unmown will  hopefully encourage back slow worms and other invertebrates back onto the site.

The Meadow will receive its first cut this Autumn. A cut and remove mowing regime will be implemented in order to reduce fertility in the soil. During the first 2-3 years plant growth can be vigorous until fertility levels reduce.

It may be necessary to do 2 cuts per year if the plants start to lean over or “lodge”. This can result in some smaller plants being smothered out.

The first being in June the Second in late September/early October.

We will post up more pictures throughout the Summer.



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